
作者:吴启富 来源: 发布时间:2017年06月19日 点击数: 字号:【

    [摘要] 目的 探讨疏风解毒胶囊治疗儿童疾病剂量。方法 选择1~14岁儿童为研究对象,分析目前已发表文献儿童应用疏风解毒胶囊的用药剂量,参照中国0~18岁儿童、青少年身高、体重的标准化生长曲线计算体表面积用药剂量、儿童体重用药剂量,制定相应按体重用药剂量参考值;比较文献用药剂量、儿童体重用药剂量参考值与体表面积用药剂量的误差值。结果 所有文献均按年龄段给药,文献中除1~2岁儿童剂量一致外,其他年龄段均存在2~3种用药剂量,文献剂量与按体表面积用药剂量误差值较大,儿童体重用药剂量参考值与体表面积用药剂量的误差值较小。结论 推荐疏风解毒胶囊治疗儿童疾病剂量:1~8岁45~50mg/kg.次,9~14岁35~40mg/kg.次。

    [关键词] 疏风解毒胶囊;剂量;儿童

Study on the Dose of the Shufeng Jiedu Capsule to Treat Children's Disease. Wu Qifu, The Material and Children Health Hospital, Huaying 638600, Sichuan Province, China

      [Abstract] Objective To explore the dose of the treatment of children's disease with shufengjiedu capsule.Methods  The children aged 1~14 years was selected as the research object. The dose of the drug is compared in the published literature. The dose were calculated according to height and weight standardized growth charts for Chinese children and adolescents aged 0~18 years,The reference dose calculated by weight and the dose calculated by body surface area were compared. Results The dose in literature were administered according to age, the children were given 2 or 3 doses except 1~2 years old. Compared with the dose calculated by body surface area, the error value is larger in literature and the error value is small in the reference dose calculated by weight. Conclusion  iI is Suggested that the dose of the treatment of children's disease with shufeng jie du capsule every time according to the weight, 1-8 years of age 45~50 mg/kg, 9-14 years of age 35-40mg/kg.

     [Key words] Shufeng jiedu capsule; Dose; Children