
作者:王海芳 来源:本站原创 发布时间:2017年06月19日 点击数: 字号:【

   [摘要] 随着社会工作节奏加快,压力增大,以及不良的生活方式诸如熬夜、暴饮暴食、久坐等在民众当中越来越普遍,导致身体健康遭受严重危害,各种慢性疾病高发。但从一个角度来说,严峻的事实也使得民众比以往更加关注健康。如何学会养生,如何科学的生活和行为方式,提高全民健康水平,已成为全社会高度关注的民生问题。作为大型公立医院,在对外宣传中,自然要责无旁贷地主动担负起健康科普宣传的重任,这不仅能帮助病人和家属更多了解疾病的相关知识,同时还能改善医患关系,共筑抵抗疾病的“健康长城”。

    [关键词] 公立医院;健康;科普宣传;社会责任;传播媒介

Discussion on Propagation of Healthy and Popular Science Knowledge in Public Hospital . Wang Haifang, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510120, Guangdong, China

     [Abstract] With the rhythm of social work being faster and high pressure, bad lifestyles such as staying up all night, engorgement and sedentariness are very common among most the masses. These lead to serious harm to health and a variety of chronic diseases, which are popular. These serious facts make the masses be more aware of health. How to keep in good health, how to live good lifestyle and how to improve the people’s health become the livelihood issues of society. Big-size public hospital should be responsible for propagation of popular science knowledge, which not only helps patients and families know more knowledge of diseases, but also improves doctor-patient relationship and  prevents the diseases together.

    Key Words]Public hospital;Health;Propagation of popular science knowledge;Social responsibility;Propagation medium